
Our claims adjusters are trained to handle all types of losses.

SE Mutual is pleased to offer bilingual service and an average claim-to-payment turnaround time that is among the fastest in the industry.

Thank you for trusting us to be your insurance service provider. If you experience an insured loss, we promise to process your insurance claim with as little inconvenience to you as possible.

If you’re unsure of what’s covered under your policy, please contact your agent or broker. They’ll be happy to sit down with you and review the details of your policy.


What to do in the Event of a Loss or Claim

  • Notify your insurance agent/broker or the company, or complete the online claim submission form
  • If theft/burglary has occurred: Report to police immediately after the loss is discovered. Obtain police file number, investigating officer’s name and contact information.
  • Protect your property from further damage
  • Keep all receipts for any replacement purchases
  • Take photos of the damage
  • Contact a restoration contractor

Useful Information

Our Local Adjusters

After an insurance claim, SE Mutual's experienced in-house adjusters will ensure that your life is returned to pre-incident condition. The details and coverages purchased and outlined in your insurance policy can affect the way your claim is assessed. Our adjusters will work diligently to process your insurance claim and keep you informed of its progress. Operating locally allows us to complete your claim as quickly and seamlessly as possible.

Andrew Wortman

Claims Manager

Stephanie Richard

Claims Representative

Jenna Dunfield-Wilband

Claims Field Adjuster

Sylvie Pineault

Claims Field Adjuster

Marc Ringuette

Claims Field Adjuster

Cindy MacDonald

Claims Assistant

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